Student Leaders Partake in Clean-Up Drive 2015

The Young Community Stewards spearheaded the annual Clean-Up Drive on August 1, 2015. With the theme “Kiskis, Linis, Kinis,” the said activity assembled selected officers of different organizations sponsored by the UST Junior High School to clean the streets of P. Noval and Dapitan.
Student Leaders were assigned to bring their own cleaning materials such as dust pan, soap, pail, trash bags, broomsticks, scraper, rags, and gloves. “It is the main objective of the Clean-Up Drive to promote cleanliness and healthful environment around the university for all Thomasians as well as other people,” said YCS President Ralph Joshua Araño. The Clean-Up Drive is held annually to raise awareness among students to dedicate themselves to community services for the benefit of the society. This event is also the perfect opportunity for its participants to realize how a clean environment would contribute a better change to its surroundings.
Featured Image © Ralph Estrella