The Seal

In the UST Junior High School seal, the cross of the tower at the UST main building occupies a central place emphasizing the catholic Christian quality of education it provides. Likewise, the tower becomes a symbol of the lofty ideals and aspirations that the school desires to instill in the youth. The circle stands for symmetry and the almost infinite varieties of possible progressive pursuits in life. The scallops, bordering the seal, represent the eight beatitudes of the gospel, which express the spirit with which all actions are taken by the UST Junior High School in the pursuit of its objectives.
The Motto

The ultimate aim of education is the pursuit, defense, proclamation and transmission of the truth. The UST Junior High School always seeks to uphold in all actions, pertinent to the attainment of its objectives, the noblest and most sublime forms of truth and beauty. Thus, the motto: VERITAS! Truth!
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